How To Raise Seed Funding For Startups? (3 Different Ways)

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Hey, I’ve got a great idea for my new company!” You might say to yourself. “But how am I going to get the seed capital needed to start it?” Seed funding is the most difficult type of financing for startups and small businesses because there are many different types and sources of seed investors. Here’s everything you need to know about raising seed funding: what it is, how much does it cost? And three ways on where you can find it!

No matter how great your business idea, you are going to need money. Seed funding is a way for startups to receive funds in the early stages of development. It’s usually enough capital to get things up and running before they can start generating revenue. There are many different ways that seed funding can be raised, but what is seed funding? How do you raise seed funding? And what types of investments are there? This article will cover all this information and more!

So leaving no stone unturned, let’s get down to this!

What is Seed Funding For Startups?

So what really is seed funding? Well, it’s the first round of capital that a startup receives from an investor. In other words, it is money to get things started and then, later on, you can receive Series A financing or venture capital. This seed money will help entrepreneurs build their company without worrying about how they are going to pay for expenses while they launch their business idea.

In addition, it is the initial capital that investors provide to a young startup company. It can be used for further development, marketing and scaling up of an idea. Not all startups are eligible for seed funding since it’s usually only given to those who have already shown signs of growth or prospects in their business model. For this reason, entrepreneurs seek out potential funders by showing them how much they’ve grown over time. The goal would be at least $500K – $700 K raised during their early stage to avoid wasting too many resources on something that may never take off into success. Startup companies then pitch themselves to possible seed investors before deciding if there should be an investment or not. 

If you’re looking for seed funding, here are the traits of a good seed investor so that when you see one, you’ll easily recognize it.

  • Has contacts and connections in startup spaces 
  • Has funds to investor is willing to join forces with other investors. 

Seed-stage investing is an emerging field, so it’s not surprising if you find yourself surrounded by people who don’t understand what you’re trying to do for your business. It can be difficult at times, but these challenges will only make your idea stronger and better than before. The next step would be pitching yourself into venture capital firms, where they’ll assess how much money should be allocated into your project since there’s no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to the investment model. They may ask about market segmentation, growth projections, competition analysis, and other things that determine what funding level is required.

Kid earning money for future
a person holding multiple coins showcasing the concept of acquiring seed funding at an early stage of a startup

Why is Seed Funding Important?

Seed funding is an essential part of building a successful business. Seed funding provides capital to help companies get started and become profitable quickly. Seed funds are made up of both debt and equity, usually in the form of convertible notes or common stock. The goal for seed investors is to make money and create value by having a meaningful impact on early-stage startups and helping them succeed and getting compensated through dividends or high returns when those early efforts bear fruit down the road. Seed funding allows entrepreneurs to keep their vision alive while developing products without taking away from running expenses such as payroll, rent, utilities, etc. This could be very difficult if they were required to finance all working hours personally until profitability was achieved (if ever). Seed financing also provides entrepreneurs with the ability to invest in their vision without giving up control of the company or going through a lengthy IPO process. Seed funding is often an early-stage investment that helps finance product development, prototyping and testing, market research, legal fees related to intellectual property (IP) protection, and other business expenses to build out the core team needed for startup success.

Seed funding is also an opportunity to build early revenue through customer orders, providing further financing for product development and manufacturing before achieving profitability. Seed funds are often the first outside capital that entrepreneurs receive in their company’s lifetime. Seed investors tend to be more patient with founders than later-stage investors because they believe in the entrepreneur’s vision and want them to succeed due to personal relationships or past experiences. Seed money comes from seed-stage venture capitalists (angels), family offices, accelerators/Incubators such as Y combinator, Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, friends & family members etc.,

Seed funding can be a good option for entrepreneurs who want the flexibility and independence of running their company without any restrictions imposed by investors holding shares in equity but do not have enough traction yet to attract later-stage investors like VC’s (venture capital) private equity firms.

How much can you raise during Seed Funding Round ?

The amount of equity often invested in early-stage companies depends on many factors such as:  how much cash needs to be raised, how long it has been since the founders have worked together before starting up this new endeavour (previous experience matters!), past performance history with startups ventures, recent economic trends for investments, how much the investor values their time (don’t expect investors to work for free!), and what stage of development is your business at?

So seed funding cost depends on many factors! To get an idea about how much money that pretty startup needs from their initial round of investments, we must first ask ourselves…what kind of company are they trying to startup? For example, if it’s a technology-based product or service with lots of R&D behind it, then much money will be needed for that phase.

Seed funding rounds can range from $250K -$500K, although some might go for much less depending on the nature of your business and preferences.

Different Ways Of Raising Seed Funding

To get seed funding, you have a few different options. For instance, some people choose to raise seed funds from family and friends, or they may take out a loan against their home. Another option is for the entrepreneurs themselves to use personal savings to obtain seed money. Capital intensive businesses might also require additional seed capital through angel investors or venture capitalists.

  • Seed stage investor: Angel investors, VCs or accelerators. 

When applying to accelerators, they may request that you have a seed round of funding already in place. Seed-stage investors will seek out the company’s potential for high growth and look at their monetization abilities when considering investing in them early on. 

  • IndieGogo is an example of where companies can go to ask for funding. 
  • Seed-stage investors to consider: Angel investors, VCs or accelerators.

Crowdfunding is a great way to fund your startup business, and many companies have successfully used this method of seed funding. Companies like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo and GoFundMe are well known for allowing people to raise funds from the general public. Seed-stage investors may not consider this type of funding, but if you can prove that your business is in demand, it could be a good option for securing seed money.

seed funding for startups
a startup team discussing different ways of raising funds showcasing the concept of raising seed funding

Different Types Of Seed Funding 

Having a clear knowledge about the different types of seed funding, in turn, aids a smooth growth for your business. Below are ten different types of seed funding.


This is the most popular of the types of seed funding. It’s a way to generate money from a large number of people. Currently, there are more than 500 crowdfunding active platforms like Oculus Rift, Exploride Crowdfunding, Pebble wearable, amongst others.


Incubators help startups grow from idea to prototype; find talented team members and advisors; create and distribute products and services; raise more capital when needed; test marketing strategies before spending too much time/money on them. As you may know, investing in a startup requires lots of patience and seed incubators can handle this process for you. Some of the most popular startup incubators include the likes of Y combinator and Angel Pad.

Corporate Seed Funds 

Most successful businesses in the world of technology like Apple, Google started with the seed fund. Corporate seed funds provide great funding for these companies.


Acceleratory programs have the major objective of developing and supporting business growth. The growth of the startup is aided by professional services and mentor services provided by accelerators.

Angel investors 

These investors aid businesses with capital funds whenever the startup is facing issues in growth during its early stages.

Enterpreneur exchanging his idea for investors money
Enterpreneur exchanging his idea for investors money

Personal savings

In this type of seed funding, the owner of the company uses their savings and wealth as a source of seed funding.

Debt funding

Money given by banks or any other financial institution as loans are said to be debt funding.

Convertible securities 

When the business starts experiencing a high rate of success, loans provided as a seed round change into equity form. Like from loans to shares.

Angel funds

At times, many investors come together to invest money in the financing round of a startup. The formation of these investors is termed angel funds or Angel networks.

VC funding

Venture capitalists are also an effective fund generator for the seed stage. They take equity and stage for every fund they provide.

How To Find The Right Seed Investors For Your Startup. 

But, how do you get in touch with them? Seed investors are usually more difficult to approach than angel investors because of the following reasons: 

  • They receive hundreds of emails every day that they need to filter through. It is therefore very important for you to make an impact on the first impression and be able to demonstrate what makes your business unique;
  • Startups can use seed funding at any stage, but seed stages are often reserved for companies who have already achieved some traction ;
  • Seed capital investments need a bit more work like building out financial models or constructing prototypes etc.;

Let me help you find the right seed investor! There are three different methods I would recommend using when looking for potential seed investors:

  • Seed investor directories: Seed funding websites like SeedInvest or Angel List are a great place to start. You can search for seed investors based on location, industry and investment preferences;
  • Industry-specific forums: Forums such as StartupNation, Venture Hacks, and TechCrunch provide you with an opportunity to ask questions about the best ways to raise money from angel investors and venture capitalists;
  • LinkedIn groups: A large network of groups connect entrepreneurs with potential seed funders across different industries. Join these groups if not everyone else in your company already has! These three options will help you find the right seed capital but take note of this: do not spam them! The last thing you want is hundreds of unread emails in their inbox.

Give it a try! Seed funding is tough, and getting in touch with the right seed investors requires some patience and work, but I am sure you can do it if you put your mind to it!

Young investors
Young investors evaluating a startup

In Conclusion

Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey that requires an immense amount of time, dedication and energy. One of the most important things to consider while going through this process is where your company stands in its life cycle. Knowing how much work you have left to do will help you make informed decisions about your business’s direction at any given point in time. Whether you’re just starting out or already rocking it with $10 million in revenue, knowing which stage your startup is currently in can be beneficial for avoiding mistakes and making smart decisions when deciding on new ventures like pivoting into a different product line or launching a PR campaign. The bottom line still stands; if entrepreneurship has been calling your name, then don’t let anything stop you from pursuing.

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